(Archived) Development Timeline
Just to remind you what the project names mean.
Snorlax -> Main Website
Articuno -> Dashboard
Latias -> Android app
Latios -> iOS app
Magneton -> API
Ditto -> Admin Console
By the end of July we should have:
- Placeholder/promotion websites up for Snorlax and Articuno.
- Magneton should have the Newsletter feature complete along with unit tests and authentication.
- Latias & Latios should be done with the prototype Map feature.
- Ditto should have a skeleton complete.
By the end of August we should have:
- Pre-sponsor website up for Snorlax
- Application form and Accounts ready on Snorlax
- Map feature on Articuno
- Sign in and Profile display on Articuno
- Sign in and Profile display on Latias & Latios
- Magneton: Account Management (registration, password reset, etc.), Application, and Profile API
- Map Management feature on Ditto
By the end of September we should have:
- Full website ready (up at Marketing's discretion i.e. once we have sponsors to show) for Snorlax
- Updates feature and Schedule feature done on Articuno
- Updates feature and Schedule feature done on Latias & Latios
- Announcements API and Schedule API done on Magneton
All non-frill features should be complete by the end of October Oct 7: Renew website domain.
Nov 26: Event test run
TBD Launch mobile apps
* Tenative