Coding Guidelines
At dev-team, we program a lot. However everyone has different programming backgrounds, so to make sure we all stay on the same page this page is being created. Here you will find all the things you need to know about how we manage our code.
We’ll primarily be using VSCode to do all of our code editing in Javascript. VSCode is great because it’s modular and extensible, and it has some pretty cool themes.
Below is a list of all the recommended extensions for this team.
Some other cool extensions
We use GitHub to manage the version of our code. It is essential that everyone is clear on how we use git so that our commit history is clean and legible.
Below are links for essential skills to git.
Pull Requests
Making an effective PR is crucial for the team's understanding of everyone's changes. These descriptions should be meticulous- down the commands that you run. Pretend that the person testing the PR doesn't know how to use a computer.
A PR should follow the template below.