Extreme Programming (XP)

When making an issue takes far more time than just doing the work itself. WIP.

TODO: Add lucide icons to mindmap


What's Extreme Programming (XP)?

  • A set of rigorous software development practices built on top of the Agile methodology.
  • Rapid release cadence over tiny development cycles.
  • Emphasizes Test-Driven Development (TDD), Pair Programming, Continuous Integration, and Collective Code Ownership.

Core Principles

TODO: Add color schema to mindmap

Feedback loop

TODO: Check color schema for diagram below

Key Practices

Pair ProgrammingTwo developers work together at one workstation, enhancing code quality and team collaboration
Test-Driven Development (TDD)Write tests before writing code, ensuring every piece of code works as intended
Continuous IntegrationFrequently integrate code into the main branch to detect issues early
Small ReleasesRelease working software frequently, often in small increments, to get feedback and improve based on customer needs
RefactoringRegularly improve and optimize code without changing its functionality
Sustainable PaceAvoid overworking the team to maintain a consistent and sustainable workflow
Collective Code OwnershipEveryone on the team is responsible for all the code. This encourages collaboration and reduces silos
On-Site CustomerHave someone from the customer side available to clarify requirements and provide immediate feedback

Extreme Programming - Wikipedia.

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