Conventional Branch

Am I looking at git history or a plate of spaghetti?

Our branch naming convention modifies and extends the Conventional Branch specification to be extremely straight-forward. It's simply the issue name without the scope.

Create a branch from main in the following format: yourname/<conventional-spec>/<issue-number>-<issue-name-kebab-cased>.

For example, the branch for issue #1 titled 'feat(portal): add login page' would be: johndoe/feat/1-add-login-page.

Do not `git merge`

This creates a merge commit unless you fast forward.

Instead, always pull the latest from main, check back out to your branch, then do git rebase main.

You'll often find yourself in situations where you need to work on multiple things at once, whether that be an urgent bug fix, helping someone else that's blocked, being blocked yourself, or shifting gears to a higher priority feature. Check out Git Stash for storing work in progress, and Git Worktrees for working on multiple branches at once.

If all of that sounded like gibberish to you, not to worry. Check out the Learn Git section in our knowledge base.

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