Tech Stack

For those wondering about our specs.

🔭 Project Management

📱 Communication

🏡 General Administration

🪄 UI/UX Design

🐞 Development

🏛 Architecture

📜 Technical Documentation

✨ Front-End

🪛 Languages

🔨 Libraries

🛠️ Frameworks

⁉️ State Management

⚙️ Back-End

🛠️ Frameworks


🗃️ Database

☁️ DevOps

🧹 Code Quality

💅 Style Guide Automation

🤖 PR Review Automation

⚗️ Test Automation

🌵 GitOps

♻️ Continous Integration

🚢 Continous Deployment

Netlify Logo


  • For safely deploying our app to the web so that people can see and use it from their browsers.
  • Uses AWS under the hood.
  • Integrates well with Next.js and also allows for demo deployments for our own purposes which are not indexed on google.
  • If we push a version that makes it past all our tests but somehow breaks at the build stage, Netlify will provide instant feedback and not deploy it, leaving up the previous functional version.
  • Also allows quick and easy rollbacks to previously deployed versions.
  • Chromatic Logo


  • Visual test server platform to easily spot differences in UI and discuss them as a team, integrated with Storybook.
  • Can catch visual bugs by comparing new renders with a specified baseline, and block the changes from making it to production prior to being reviewed.