How our roadmap is organized so it’s clear and useful for the cuHacking team. [trello board].
- easy to parse task state for the entire team
- done / in progress / upcoming / blocked
- easy to edit for the entire team
- everyone should be able to contribute
- should be useful as a record when looking back on the year
- which deadlines were kept / missed
- when things occurred
Since there are various teams on the same board, it makes sense to use labels to show which tasks involve which teams.
Since there will be future / ongoing / completed tasks on the same board, it makes sense to have a done label to mark card completion.
Since this tool should be useful for retrospecting it is important that the lists not become filled too much with since many tasks will be hidden since only 3-5 cards can be shown at a time.
The lists will be organized into 2 sections:
- Notes
- retrospectives
- notes
- Months
- (every month)
retrospective notes
This list will be used to write a card every time something occurs that would be useful as a lesson for future years
- It can be when a deadline was missed, you should create a note as to why it was missed and how it could be avoided next time If something went really well create a note so that we can continue doing the right things
This list will be used to write cards with stray thoughts that relate to the roadmap, but are not yet concrete. Consider this the miscellaneous list.
These should be where all future and past tasks should be. This will allow the team to see what is upcoming, as well as see what progress has been made.