Sponsorship FAQs
Burst Fire FAQs:
1. What payment platforms do you support?
- We support Paypal, eTransfer, and cheques sent to cuHacking.
2. In which currency should the payment be made?
- Please pay in CAD. All amounts in our sponsorship packages are in CAD.
3. What is the payment deadline for sponsoring cuHacking?
4. In which format should we send our logos?
- Please send all logos in PNG with a dimension of around 500x500 pixels or SVG.
5. What kind of setup should we expect for our booth at the event?
- You will have a booth with 4 chairs, access to a supply of power bars and Carleton’s WiFi network.
6. Will cuHacking provide parking passes?
- Yes. Parking passes will be handed out on demande and are valid for both days.
7. Can I give out items beside swag bags?
- Yes! You can have items for hackers at your booth.
8. Where can I send the promotional items I would like to have at my booth?
- Send these items at ENTER WHERE HERE
9. My team cannot make it, can I still sponsor cuHacking?
- Yes! Feel free to send us promotional items or sponsor challenge and prizes for hackers.
10. What kind of items should I provide to hackers?
- Reusable water bottles, item representing your brand, promotional stickers are always a winner.
11. Can I provide snacks or food to the hackers during the event?
- Unfortunately, Carleton does not allow food from outside sources to be distributed. Please contact us if you’d like a specific type of snack to be given to see if we can arrange something with the school. (source: https://carleton.ca/spaces/catering/)
12. I have access to resumes thanks to my sponsorship package, how will they be collected and sent out?
- We will collect all the resumes and upload them in a google drive for you to access.
13. How long is the judging period?
- Demos and the first round of judging will take place from about 1 PM to 3 PM on the Sunday. A second round of judging will take place during the Closing Ceremonies lasting about 15 min.
Longer FAQs:
1. Can I get more details about the add-on: run a workshop?
- If COMPANY is interested in hosting an interactive workshop at our event, we'd offer this benefit for an additional 50. Workshops are a great opportunity to interact with the hackers and show what your company is all about. Running workshops which walk hackers through using a company product or API and challenging them to create a small project (which can be completed in a short period of time) is great for presenting your products. This may also make recruiting more effective; hackers which catch on to using your products quickly and who are interested in your line of work can make great co-op students or future employees.
2. Can I get more details about the add-on: sponsored hacking room?
- COMPANY can sponsor a hacking room for an additional 00. This would include a dedicated hacking classroom, located in the atrium of River Building (Richcraft Hall), which will be recognized as "Sponsored by COMPANY." If you choose to send mentors, you can use this room as your mentoring base, so hackers can ask for help on their projects from your team. This again is a great opportunity to see hackers at work and pick out potential co-op students.
3. Would it be possible to pay via credit card?
- Currently we only accept payment by cheque, e-transfer, and Paypal. Our finance team is looking into credit payments, so we will get back to you with more information about that as soon as we know.
4. Can you give us an idea of what other companies have done in the past to encourage engagement at sponsor booths?
- Previously, engagement includes bringing swag, holding raffles or mini challenges, and making sure there is always at least 1 representative at the booth. As an example, we’ve seen CSE at previous events bring laminated pages of code containing errors, and hackers that are able to find all the errors, are given a prize.
5. I opted-into giving items in swag bags, how many items should I prepare and when should I send them?
- Our historical attendance is of 400 people which each attendee receiving a swag bag at the start of the event. We expect the 400 items to be delivered to us 2 weeks before the event so we can prepare the bag. Please send all the items at 2 Burlington Crescent K1T3K9.
6. What is the schedule going to be like?
- We expect the hackathon to go from Saturday @9:00 AM to Sunday @4:00 PM. On Saturday, the registration is supposed to begin @9:00 AM and hacking will begin @12:00 PM. On Sunday, the hacking will end @12:00PM and we will proceed with judging and the closing ceremony.
7. How are social media posts handled?
- Our partnership team is going to write social media posts depending on the frequency in your sponsorship package. Once those are written, they will be submitted to you for approval and then posted on our social media pages.