3. Share cool automated things with others
Convince someone's thing to depend on your thing, and then push a change that breaks their thing.
Creating repositories
You're at Hack the Tunnels. Your friend wants to impress their crush somehow.
We need a way to share the cool thing we made with them. Let's turn that into a repository.
Navigate back to your VS Code Terminal and do the following.
git init .
Now let's make a commit.
git commit
You should see.
On branch main
Initial commit
Untracked files:
(use "git add <file>..." to include in what will be committed)
nothing added to commit but untracked files present (use "git add" to track)
Adding files
Let's tell git to track changes to the file we want to commit.
git add file.sh
git commit -m "initial commit"
You should see:
[main (root-commit) d8f6d74] first commit
1 file changed, 11 insertions(+)
create mode 100755 file.sh
Pushing to remote
Great, now we need to actually send the link to this somehow. We can use GitHub for this.
It will host a remote version of the repository that our friend can download.
gh repo create
We don't want to create a new repository, but rather push an existing one.
? What would you like to do? [Use arrows to move, type to filter]
Create a new repository on GitHub from scratch
Create a new repository on GitHub from a template repository
> Push an existing local repository to GitHub // [!code highlight]
Leave the path as is, and hit enter.
? What would you like to do? Push an existing local repository to GitHub
? Path to local repository (.) // [!code highlight]
Leave the Repository name as is, and hit enter.
? What would you like to do? Push an existing local repository to GitHub
? Path to local repository .
? Repository name (hack-the-tunnels-git-workshop) // [!code highlight]
Select your personal account as the owner, and hit enter.
? What would you like to do? Push an existing local repository to GitHub
? Path to local repository .
? Repository name hack-the-tunnels-git-workshop
? Repository owner [Use arrows to move, type to filter]
> MFarabi619 // [!code highlight]
You can provide it any description you like. Since we're in a hurry, we'll leave it blank.
? What would you like to do? Push an existing local repository to GitHub
? Path to local repository .
? Repository name hack-the-tunnels-git-workshop
? Repository owner MFarabi619
? Description // [!code highlight]
Leave it as public.
? What would you like to do? Push an existing local repository to GitHub
? Path to local repository .
? Repository name hack-the-tunnels-git-workshop
? Repository owner MFarabi619
? Description
? Visibility [Use arrows to move, type to filter]
> Public // [!code highlight]
Hit enter to add the remote.
? What would you like to do? Push an existing local repository to GitHub
? Path to local repository .
? Repository name hack-the-tunnels-git-workshop
? Repository owner MFarabi619
? Description
? Visibility Public
โ Created repository MFarabi619/hack-the-tunnels-git-workshop on GitHub
? Add a remote? (Y/n) // [!code highlight]
Hit enter, leave it as origin.
? What would you like to do? Push an existing local repository to GitHub
? Path to local repository .
? Repository name hack-the-tunnels-git-workshop
? Repository owner MFarabi619
? Description
? Visibility Public
โ Created repository MFarabi619/hack-the-tunnels-git-workshop on GitHub
? Add a remote? Yes
? What should the new remote be called? (origin) // [!code highlight]
Hit enter, leave it as origin.
? What would you like to do? Push an existing local repository to GitHub
? Path to local repository .
? Repository name hack-the-tunnels-git-workshop
? Repository owner MFarabi619
? Description
? Visibility Public
โ Created repository MFarabi619/hack-the-tunnels-git-workshop on GitHub
? Add a remote? Yes
? What should the new remote be called? origin
โ Added remote https://github.com/MFarabi619/hack-the-tunnels-git-workshop.git
? Would you like to push commits from the current branch to "origin"? (Y/n) // [!code highlight]
At this point you're done :)
? What would you like to do? Push an existing local repository to GitHub
? Path to local repository .
? Repository name hack-the-tunnels-git-workshop
? Repository owner MFarabi619
? Description
? Visibility Public
โ Created repository MFarabi619/hack-the-tunnels-git-workshop on GitHub
? Add a remote? Yes
? What should the new remote be called? origin
โ Added remote https://github.com/MFarabi619/hack-the-tunnels-git-workshop.git
? Would you like to push commits from the current branch to "origin"? Yes
Enumerating objects: 3, done.
Counting objects: 100% (3/3), done.
Delta compression using up to 16 threads
Compressing objects: 100% (2/2), done.
Writing objects: 100% (3/3), 270 bytes | 270.00 KiB/s, done.
Total 3 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0 (from 0)
To https://github.com/MFarabi619/hack-the-tunnels-git-workshop.git
* [new branch] HEAD -> main
branch 'main' set up to track 'origin/main'.
โ Pushed commits to https://github.com/MFarabi619/hack-the-tunnels-git-workshop.git
Navigate to the url in the final line to see your git repository hosted on GitHub.
Nice, now your friend can get your cool stuff with:
# Replace my GitHub user ID with yours
gh repo clone <your-github-id>/hack-the-tunnels-git-workshop
The format for what comes after `gh repo clone` is the same as shown on the top left of your GitHub repo.
Creating and renaming branches
Your friend calls you over...
Your crush is there too. We need to impress them somehow.
Your friend has the same code as you and your crush has probably already seen it.
Your cool thing must not look the same as theirs. You need to quickly make changes and save them to a different version of the file.
Let's see the branch we're currently on.
git branch
* main
If you see (END)
, press q to quit.
Make a new branch called my-branch
git checkout -b my-branch
Switched to a new branch 'my-branch'
Check the branch you're on again.
git branch
* my-branch
Make some changes to your file, run them to check that they work and commit them.
echo "Hack the Tunnels"
cowsay -f milk "Hack the Tunnels" | lolcat // [!code highlight]
cowsay -f dragon "Hack the Tunnels" | lolcat // [!code highlight]
cowsay -f cupcake "Hack the Tunnels" | lolcat // [!code highlight]
cowsay -f meow "Hack the Tunnels" | lolcat // [!code highlight]
git commit -m "change cowsays"
That didn't seem to work. This is because git doesn't automatically mark your changes to be committed.
Let's stage them.
git stage file.sh
Now try again.
git commit -m "change cowsays"
[main 94251e9] change cowsays
1 file changed, 4 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)`
Let's change the echo
to something cooler, like figlet
, and RGB it as well.
figlet "Hack the Tunnels" | lolcat // [!code highlight]
cowsay -f milk "Hack the Tunnels" | lolcat
cowsay -f dragon "Hack the Tunnels" | lolcat
cowsay -f cupcake "Hack the Tunnels" | lolcat
cowsay -f meow "Hack the Tunnels" | lolcat
./file.sh: line 2: figlet: command not found
Uh oh, do we have figlet
installed? Let's check.
bash: command not found: figlet
Looks like we don't. Let's install it and try again.
brew install figlet
It works! We can both stage and commit it in one go with -am
git commit -am "replace echo with figlet"
See if everything worked and what the current state of our repository is.
git status
git log
Let's push our changes to remote.
git push
You will see:
fatal: The current branch main has no upstream branch.
To push the current branch and set the remote as upstream, use
git push --set-upstream origin main
To have this happen automatically for branches without a tracking
upstream, see 'push.autoSetupRemote' in 'git help config'.
This is because GitHub (upstream) doesn't have the main
branch that we created locally.
So we do:
git push --set-upstream origin main
Enumerating objects: 8, done.
Counting objects: 100% (8/8), done.
Delta compression using up to 16 threads
Compressing objects: 100% (4/4), done.
Writing objects: 100% (6/6), 622 bytes | 622.00 KiB/s, done.
Total 6 (delta 2), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 0 (from 0)
remote: Resolving deltas: 100% (2/2), completed with 1 local object.
remote: Create a pull request for 'main' on GitHub by visiting:
remote: https://github.com/MFarabi619/hack-the-tunnels-git-workshop/pull/new/main
To https://github.com/MFarabi619/hack-the-tunnels-git-workshop.git
* [new branch] main -> main
branch 'main' set up to track 'origin/main'.
Now you can find your branch on GitHub.
Switching between branches
Let's see what the file looked like before on the other branch.
git checkout main
You'll see file.sh
change to the version it was before.
Back to my-branch
git checkout my-branch
There are many more git commands, and this barely scratches the surface.
What will be the outcome of your adventure? It's the one you create here in present :)
To be continued...
Git commands review
Action | Command |
Create repository in the current directory | git init . |
Clone repository from GitHub | gh repo clone username/reponame |
Upload repository to GitHub (also creates repo) | gh repo create |
Create new branch | git checkout -b newbranch |
Switch to existing branch | git checkout oldbranch |
Track file | git add filename |
Stage changes for file | git stage filename |
Commit changes with message | git commit -m "your message" |
View commit history | git log |
View status of changes | git status |
Push changes to remote repository | git push |
Pull changes from remote repository | git pull |
๐ Learning Resources
Linux Journey
- Learn the basics of different Linux features through simple step-by-step tutorials.
Git How to
- Web app to easily demo basic git commands visually.
- Very limited in functionality.
Learn Git Branching
- Web app to learn Git commands interactively with guided lessons.
Git Visualizer
- Web app to learn simple Git commands visually.
- Web app to drill commands, keyboard shortcuts and programming language syntax.
- A TUI (Terminal User Interface) version of Git.
- Saves you from typing out all the commands and makes you faster.