

Presenter, Container Pattern

TLDR: Presenter components answer how UI is rendered. Container components answer what UI is rendered.


tsconfig.json with comments and explanations

Folder structure

Please refer to Monorepo Architecture tab for more info.

File Naming Convention

We follow the Angular style guide for naming files. The file name should be in kebab-case, not capitalized, and should describe the content of the file. For example, a component file should be named event-card.component.ts.

Note: Presenter and component files must be prefixed with a .presenter or a .container and do not need a .component suffix


  • event-card.component.tsx
  • event-card.container.tsx
  • event-card.presenter.tsx
  • event.service.tsx
  • event.helper.tsx

Scaffolding Shadcn Ecosystem Library

  • Find desired library from Awesome Shadcn or elsewhere.

  • Create path aliases

    "paths": {
      "@aceternity": ["libs/external/aceternity/index.ts"],
      "@aceternity/*": ["libs/external/aceternity/*"],
      "@magic-ui": ["libs/external/magic-ui/index.ts"],
      "@magic-ui/*": ["libs/external/magic-ui/*"],
      "@farm-ui": ["libs/external/farm-ui/index.ts"], 
      "@farm-ui/*": ["libs/external/farm-ui/*"], 
      "@cuhacking/docs": ["libs/docs/index.ts"],
      "@cuhacking/docs/*": ["libs/docs/*"],
      "@cuhacking/shared": ["libs/shared/index.ts"],
      "@cuhacking/shared/*": ["libs/shared/*"],
      "@shadcn": ["libs/external/shadcn/index.ts"],
      "@shadcn/*": ["libs/external/shadcn/*"],
      "@website/*": ["libs/website/*"]

On this page

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