
Leave none behind regardless of our development cost.

Welcome to the documentation site for the cuHacking 2025 hackathon platform.

2025 Docs Site Cover

Contribution Guidelines, Concepts, and References for our custom, batteries-supercharged meta-framework powering all projects reside here.

Written with 💚 in a beginner-friendly language in order to provide a smooth onboarding experience for external contributors, and act as a general open-source reference for other projects.

Our Priorities

User Experience

The platform should reliably meet the needs of hackers, judges, sponsors, and organizers.


Regardless of attendee numbers, all hackers' needs should be catered to.

Contribution Opportunities

Maintain a transparent roadmap to encourage contributions from the student community.

Market Research

No need to re-invent the wheel. Learn from others before us.

Developer Experience

Maintain outstanding quality of work with bleeding-edge tools and sensible processes.

Scalable Technologies

Balance needs of the hackathon with the learning curve to be inclusive to various skill levels, and provide a clear learning path.

Open-Source Standards

Adhere to common practices to maximize transferable skills.

Minimal Effort

Ship fast by aggressively automating repetitive tasks.



Open-Source Student Communities

Carleton University

University of Ottawa

On this page

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